Component of pay stub

Pay stub is a document paper that show earnings and tax deductions of a earning period. Earning period depends on how are you paid by your employer or employment conditions. Pay period may be Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Semi-Monthly, Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly.

Employer and employee may know about pay stub and pay what should be available on a pay stub document.

  1. #Check Number
  2. Company Name
  3. Company Address
  4. Employee Name
  5. Employee Address
  6. Marital Status
  7. Exemptions
  8. Social Security Number
  9. Employee ID
  10. Pay Period
  11. Pay Date
  12. Rate
  13. Hours
  14. Current Total
  15. Deductions
  16. Current deductions
  17. Year To Deductions
  18. Fica Med Tax
  19. Fica SS Tax
  20. Fed Tax
  21. State Tax
  22. Year To Date Gross
  23. Year To Date Deductions
  24. Year To Date Net Pay
  25. Current Total
  26. Current Deductions Total
  27. Current Net Pay

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